Accompanying a reorganization in the supply chain management of an international Group.
Focus: Consulting and moderation of several workshops for the process design, an organizational model, the analysis of interfaces and the design of the role descriptions. All this in close collaboration between the leaders involved, operational excellence experts and HR. Objective: All major organizational innovations are prepared for discussion in the Social Partners’ Committee.
Accompanying a reorganization in a medium-sized production company.
Focus: Integration of engineering competences into production processes; Reorganization of the organizational / departmental structure and the staff teams, consulting on the topics Leadership and Change Management. Objective: Until the 2Q 2018, all steps of the technology integration are completed; the employee groups have played a decisive role in shaping the change.
Moderation / Supervision of a team of executives of the infrastructure department of a large Company.
Focus: Supporting self-organization after departure of the head of engineering. Moderation of Workshops to gain strategic focus, to raise productivity, to clarify coordination and interface processes, addressing group dynamics. Objective: The team finds a viable working mode for the changeover time of the supervisor change.
Coaching of managers and individual entrepreneurs.
Focus: Small group coaching of managers and owners of small and medium-sized enterprises on decision-making, leadership, change, business development and other personal challenges related to their role. Objective: Maintain and develop the personal and entrepreneurial success formula.
All of these projects require three things: a basis of clear facts (hard factors), a clear strategic focus (decision making), as well as an intensified co-operation between the parties (soft factors, group dynamics). In other words, you can’t make an omelett without breaking eggs …
Credits: Screenshot “Shapes” from short film: “Fasszination”, by Chris Carle about Upcycling, crafts, art and passion.